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Foreign Rights Representation

InterLicense specializes in providing foreign rights representation for titles primarily in, but not limited to, non-fiction, self-help, and spirituality genres. With extensive knowledge and expertise in navigating the international publishing market we negotiate on behalf of our authors and publishers to secure the best terms for their international publishing deals and work diligently ensure the subsequent publication and Royalty payments process goes smoothly . We maintain relationships with a vast network of publishers and agents all around the globe, and regularly attend international publishing fairs including the London and Frankfurt Book Fairs.

While we are always looking for great new English language titles to bring to the international market, we are a boutique agency and represent only a select number of clients. If you are interested in working with InterLicense, and think your book may have global appeal, please visit our submissions guidelines page for more information.

Please note that we do not accept unpublished manuscripts for representation in the domestic market.